Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Are we going to let the terrorists win?

Okay, keep in mind that it is 2:30 in the morning here and I can't sleep, I really need to though. So here is what is running through my mind. The republican vice-presidential candidate has the nerve to say that the democratic presidential candidate pals around with terrorists when she herself is a terrorist.

See this pro america comment really bugs the hell out of me. That and the "real" america, but as that was not actually said by her I'll stick with the pro america. How dare she decide what pro america is? How dare she decide that only her beliefs are true american beliefs, that any one who wants otherwise is anti-american? Guess what america is black, white, red, brown, yellow, rich, poor, middle-class, hetrosexual, metrosexual, homosexual, anti-sexual, christian, muslim, jewish, buddhist, conservative, green, liberal, independant, tree-hugging, gas guzzling, pro-choice, pro-life, home schooled, college educated, ignorant, blue collar, white collar, big kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rock, tall kids, short kids, even kids with chicken pox....

The america I want to be around for my grandchildren has room for everyone and allows the freedom to believe what you choose. The terrorists hate that about us, apparently so does Ms. Palin.


Sean M. said...

AMEN! Couldn't have said it any better if I tried my hardest... Thank you for this post.

Marcel said...

Please show me how Palin is a terrorist. Obama has ties to a known terrorist but how does that relate to Palin?

I liked the exhaustive listing of the various kinds of Americans.

Adrienne said...

Uncle Marcel, in my heart I see Palin's husband in a terroistic nature. Anyone who in this day and age is an active seccessionist is someone who is trying to do something against the betterment of this country.