Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Can I post a picture?

I can't believe this works.  Now I have to get better pictures.


Adrienne said...

Neither can we since all that comes up is the little red x in a square!

EZ Travel said...

OK, this is how you post a picture. First you have to load the picture someplace else, like the Yahoo site. Then when you are composing your blog go under "edit html" and add the line (deleting the spaces after < and before >, I had to add these to make it not register as html)

< img border="0" src="URL" align="right" >

exchanging the "URL" with the actual URL for the picture. The align="right" will let the words wrap around it to the right or left, you can play with that to see what you like.

paulette said...

I'm getting a red x in a square. Does that mean you haven't followed erika's directions yet?

marty said...

Sure, you guys get a little red 'x', I just get a tiny square with nothing in it. I, at least, want a little 'x'. ........That's the type of place where I just can't bring myself to put the period inside.

KathrynVH said...

I only get a little red x also. I'll go look on the front computer.