Saturday, July 24, 2004

Sabrina's Birthday Party

Today was Sabrina's 7th birthday.  We celebrated up at Iron's park with way too much food, and an equal amount of fun.  The pictures below are from the Duck Race, Heather and Sandy took ten kids up of the bridge over the creek to drop numbered ducks off for a race down the creek where Melissa (AKA Neighbor lady), Robin, and Jane (those who know her note her absolutely fabulous weight loss) caught them to see who the winner was.  The kids loved it, they also had elimination catch with water balloons, and party bags filled with lots of toys and candy.  You can see all of the pictures from the party here.  Hopefully the link works, I followed Erika's directions.


EZ Travel said...

The link works beautifully. I can't believe that is Jane. What did she do?

I also can't believe that Beany is 7. That is way too old.

paulette said...

The link part worked fine for me but the site shut down when I tried to do a slideshow. I assume Jane is the one that is still slightly heavy. You've got to get closer to the subjects I can hardly see the people.