Sunday, November 02, 2008

B is for Bargains

I'm not a big shopper. Somehow I missed that in the "female" gene. But when I do shop I love the clearance aisles, the outlet stores, the super sales, yard sales. Yes you could find me spending Thanksgiving night at Wal-Mart to get the super priced MP3 player as a Christmas gift. I guess the other B that goes with this is brains, I know that just because it is called a sale doesn't mean it is a good price. But when I find that one thing I've been wanting marked down to less than half of what I expected to pay for it, oh yeah I'm grateful.


Deborah Lambson said...

yeah, I love finding a great sale:-) makes me feel pretty smart.
Love this gratitude blogging ♥

Marcel said...

There are many large flea markets in south Florida and some great bargins. Many times the dealer will say, when asked to lower his price some more, This is what I paid for it. My friend Jerry's response to that is: "Well you paid too much."